Generated Narrative: Bundle a2f6c823-d8a6-4db8-8033-0918369bd39e
Last updated: 2022-03-04 01:43:30+0000
Bundle a2f6c823-d8a6-4db8-8033-0918369bd39e of type collection
Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:7d3b0f6c-edde-4b05-96b8-9e1d7ad4591d
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 7d3b0f6c-edde-4b05-96b8-9e1d7ad4591d
Last updated: 2022-02-21 01:43:30+0000
Profile: MR Observation Generic Clinical
status: Final
category: Exam
code: Clinical finding
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
effective: 2021-10-25
performer: Practitioner John Smith
dataAbsentReason: Not Applicable
Entry 2 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:cd25b7e5-d2f8-43d9-93ba-8ebc94680a16
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation cd25b7e5-d2f8-43d9-93ba-8ebc94680a16
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body height
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
effective: 2021-10-25
performer: Practitioner John Smith
value: 180.1 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')
Entry 3 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:19f79b6e-ba9a-4444-99c5-12c83322b18c
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 19f79b6e-ba9a-4444-99c5-12c83322b18c
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Head Circumference
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
effective: 1993-02-07
performer: Practitioner John Smith
value: 33.1 cm (Details: UCUM codecm = 'cm')
Entry 4 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-obsbw711ad9g
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation 1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-obsbw711ad9g
Last updated: 2022-02-21 01:43:30+0000
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body weight
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
effective: 2021-10-25
performer: Practitioner John Smith
value: 88.1 kg (Details: UCUM codekg = 'kg')
Entry 5 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:tmp5ad89-03fc-43b2-bf9d-902bcf36b3bc
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation tmp5ad89-03fc-43b2-bf9d-902bcf36b3bc
Last updated: 2022-02-21 01:43:30+0000
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body temperature
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
effective: 2021-10-25
performer: Practitioner John Smith
value: 37.1 Cel (Details: UCUM codeCel = 'Cel')
bodySite: Oral cavity structure
Entry 6 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9c
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient 1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9c
Last updated: 2021-10-11 01:43:30+0000
Profile: MR Patient
Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
Other Id: Patient external identifier/12345678H Contact Detail
- ph: 0410999999(Mobile)
- abc lane Sydney NSW 2000 AU (home)
- 12 MLK BLVD Tampa FL 33131 US (work)
- General Practitioner: Practitioner John Smith
- Managing Organization: Organization Healthy Live Clinic
Ethnicity Scottish English As Second Language Indicator Extension false
Entry 7 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9g
Resource Encounter:
Generated Narrative: Encounter 1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9g
Last updated: 2021-10-25 01:43:30+0000
Profile: MR Encounter
status: completed
class: ambulatory
subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))
serviceProvider: Organization Healthy Live Clinic
Type primary performer
Entry 8 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e6-a20e-7b5deed40054
Resource Practitioner:
Generated Narrative: Practitioner 6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e6-a20e-7b5deed40054
identifier: HPI-I/8003610833334085
active: true
name: John Smith
telecom: ph: 0410999888(Mobile),, ph: 0212450987(Work)
gender: Male
birthDate: 1978-04-08
code: Doctor of Medicine
code: MB chB(Hons)
Entry 9 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:ade47c8c-9eed-11ea-a6fa-3f7e286deed9
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization ade47c8c-9eed-11ea-a6fa-3f7e286deed9
Information Source: urn:uuid:736b6dd8-c989-11e5-a45e-9b49d42b14a9
Profile: MR Organisation
identifier: HPI-O/8003627500000328
active: true
type: Healthcare Provider
name: Healthy Live Clinic
telecom: ph: 1234567890(Work),
address: Johnson Street Sydney NSW 2000