MediRecords FHIR Implementation Guide
1.4.0 - release

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 REST API
.... 2.1 AllergyIntolerance
.... 2.2 Condition
.... 2.3 DiagnosticReport
.... 2.4 DocumentReference
.... 2.5 Encounter
.... 2.6 EpisodeOfCare
.... 2.7 FamilyMemberHistory
.... 2.8 HealthcareService
.... 2.9 Immunization
.... 2.10 Location
.... 2.11 MedicationRequest
.... 2.12 Observation
.... 2.13 Organization
.... 2.14 Patient
.... 2.15 Practitioner
.... 2.16 PractitionerRole
.... 2.17 ServiceRequest
.... 2.18 Task
... 3 Webhooks
... 4 Profiles
... 5 Extensions
... 6 Terminology
... 8 Artifacts Summary
.... 8.1 MediRecords FHIR Capability API Statement
.... 8.2 MR DocumentReference
.... 8.3 AU Core Pregnancy Status
.... 8.4 AU Core Waist Circumference
.... 8.5 MR AllergyIntolerance
.... 8.6 MR CareTeam
.... 8.7 MR Condition
.... 8.8 MR Coverage
.... 8.9 MR DiagnosticReport Imaging
.... 8.10 MR DiagnosticReport Pathology
.... 8.11 MR DiagnosticReport Pathology Result
.... 8.12 MR DiagnosticReport
.... 8.13 MR DiagnosticRequest
.... 8.14 MR Task DiagnosticRequest Fulfillment
.... 8.15 MR DocumentReference Consultation
.... 8.16 MR DocumentReference In
.... 8.17 MR DocumentReference Out
.... 8.18 MR DocumentReference Prescription
.... 8.19 MR DocumentReference Attachment
.... 8.20 MR Encounter
.... 8.21 MR Encounter Admission
.... 8.22 MR EpisodeOfCare
.... 8.23 MR FamilyMemberHistory
.... 8.24 MR HealthcareService
.... 8.25 MR Immunisation
.... 8.26 MR Location
.... 8.27 MR Location Admission
.... 8.28 MR Medication
.... 8.29 MR MedicationRequest
.... 8.30 MR Observation Generic Clinical
.... 8.31 MR Observation Vital Sign Body Mass Index
.... 8.32 MR Observation Vital Sign Blood Pressure
.... 8.33 MR Observation Vital Sign Body Height
.... 8.34 MR Observation Vital Sign Body Length
.... 8.35 MR Observation Vital Sign Body Temperature
.... 8.36 MR Observation Vital Sign Body Weight
.... 8.37 MR Observation Vital Sign Head Circumference
.... 8.38 MR Observation Vital Sign Heart Rate
.... 8.39 MR Observation Vital Sign Oxygen Saturation
.... 8.40 MR Observation Vital Sign Respiratory Rate
.... 8.41 MR Observation Vital Signs
.... 8.42 MR Observation Vital Sign Waist Circumference
.... 8.43 MR OperationOutcome
.... 8.44 MR Organisation
.... 8.45 MR Organisation Service Provider
.... 8.46 MR Patient
.... 8.47 MR Practitioner
.... 8.48 MR Practitioner Contact
.... 8.49 MR PractitionerRole
.... 8.50 MR PractitionerRole Contact
.... 8.51 MR Procedure
.... 8.52 MR Questionnaire
.... 8.53 MR QuestionnaireResponse
.... 8.54 MR RelatedPerson
.... 8.55 MR Address
.... 8.56 MR Address AU
.... 8.57 MR Dosage
.... 8.58 MR Address Foreign
.... 8.59 MR Meta DataType
.... 8.60 ATSI Skin Extension
.... 8.61 Address Is Primary Extension
.... 8.62 CTG Co Payment Relief Extension
.... 8.63 MR Comment Note Extension
.... 8.64 MR DiagnosticReport Checked extension
.... 8.65 MR DiagnosticReport Recipient Interpretation extension
.... 8.66 MR DocumentReference Recipient Extension
.... 8.67 MR DocumentReference Title Extension
.... 8.68 English As Second Language Indicator Extension
.... 8.69 MR Episode Priority Extension
.... 8.70 MR Episode Number Sessions Extension
.... 8.71 MR Episode Topic Extension
.... 8.72 Condition Active status as mentioned for a Family Member Extension
.... 8.73 Language Spoken At Home Extension
.... 8.74 Extemporaneous compounded medicines indicator extension
.... 8.75 MediRecords Medication Pack Size
.... 8.76 MediRecords Occupation Extension
.... 8.77 MR Patient Note Extension
.... 8.78 Prescription Approval Status Extension
.... 8.79 Prescription Authority Details Extension
.... 8.80 Prescription Last Date Extension
.... 8.81 Prescription Type Extension
.... 8.82 Prescription Unusal Dose Extension
.... 8.83 Prescription CTG/PBS Copayment Extension
.... 8.84 MR Referenced Document Extension
.... 8.85 MediRecords Service Request Fasting
.... 8.86 Vaccine Serial Number Extension
.... 8.87 RelatedPerson to contact Extension
.... 8.88 Encounter plannedEndDate
.... 8.89 Encounter plannedStartDate
.... 8.90 DiagnosticReport note
.... 8.91 Result Copies To
.... 8.92 MediRecords Coverage Type ValueSet
.... 8.93 MediRecords Designation ValueSet
.... 8.94 MediRecords DiagnosticReport Recipient Interpretation ValueSet
.... 8.95 MediRecords Diagnostic Report Status
.... 8.96 MediRecords Diagnostic Request BodySite ValueSet
.... 8.97 MediRecords Diagnostic Request Categories
.... 8.98 MediRecords Document Reference Attachment Content Type
.... 8.99 MediRecords Document Reference Letter Attachment Type
.... 8.100 MediRecords Document Reference Letter Category
.... 8.101 MediRecords Document Reference Letter Type
.... 8.102 MediRecords Admission Encounter Class
.... 8.103 MediRecords Admission Encounter Location PhysicalType
.... 8.104 MediRecords Admission Encounter Status
.... 8.105 MediRecords Encounter Class ValueSet
.... 8.106 MR Episode Type ValueSet
.... 8.107 MediRecords Family Member Relationship Type ValueSet
.... 8.108 MediRecords Healthcare Organisation Role Type
.... 8.109 MediRecords Heart Rate Rhythm ValueSet
.... 8.110 MediRecords Industrial Classification ValueSet
.... 8.111 MediRecords Job Code ValueSet
.... 8.112 MediRecords Language Code ValueSet
.... 8.113 MediRecords Location Bed Status ValueSet
.... 8.114 MediRecords Location Ward Specialty ValueSet
.... 8.115 MediRecords Occupations Classification ValueSet
.... 8.116 MediRecords Patient Contact Type ValueSet
.... 8.117 MediRecords Patient Ethnicity ValueSet
.... 8.118 MediRecords Patient Importance ValueSet
.... 8.119 Prescription Approval Status ValueSet
.... 8.120 Prescription Type ValueSet
.... 8.121 MediRecords QuestionnaireResponse Status ValueSet
.... 8.122 MediRecords Questionnaire Status ValueSet
.... 8.123 MediRecords ATSI Skin Code ValueSet
.... 8.124 MediRecords Service Provider Type ValueSet
.... 8.125 Medirecords Temperature Body Site Valueset
.... 8.126 MediRecords Patient's Name Title Code ValueSet
.... 8.127 MediRecords Transfer Mode
.... 8.128 MediRecords Triage Priority
.... 8.129 MediRecords Location Physical Type ValueSet
.... 8.130 Pregnancy Status
.... 8.131 MediRecords ATSI Language CodeSystem
.... 8.132 MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem
.... 8.133 MediRecords Bed Status CodeSystem
.... 8.134 MediRecords Recipient Interpretation CodeSystem
.... 8.135 MediRecords DocumentReference Category CodeSystem
.... 8.136 MediRecords Encounter Class CodeSystem
.... 8.137 MR Episode Type CodeSystem
.... 8.138 MR Identifier Type CodeSystem
.... 8.139 MediRecords Job Type CodeSystem
.... 8.140 MediRecords Patient Ethnicity CodeSystem
.... 8.141 MediRecords Patient Importance CodeSystem
.... 8.142 MediRecords Patient's Name Title CodeSystem
.... 8.143 Prescription Approval Status CodeSystem
.... 8.144 Prescription Type CodeSystem
.... 8.145 MediRecords Service Provider Type CodeSystem
.... 8.146 MediRecords Transfer Mode
.... 8.147 MediRecords Ward Specialty CodeSystem
.... 8.148 AllergyIntolerance Category FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap
.... 8.149 Country Code FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap
.... 8.150 Patient Gender FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap
.... 8.151 Patient Indigenous Status Australian Codes To MediRecords ConceptMap
.... 8.152 Practitioner Specialty AU To MediRecords ConceptMap
.... 8.153 MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Cancelled Example
.... 8.154 Uploaded Diagnostic Pathology Report linked to request
.... 8.155 MR Admissions Planned Encounter Admitted Example
.... 8.156 Overseas Health Service Organization Example
.... 8.157 Example of Admission Ward Location
.... 8.158 Vital Sign Body Length Example
.... 8.159 Diagnostic Imaging Report via Inbox, HTML display format not included
.... 8.160 Diagnostic Request Imaging
.... 8.161 MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Admitted Example
.... 8.162 Example Document Reference Out with PDF attachment
.... 8.163 Vital Sign Head Circumference Example
.... 8.164 Webhook Bundle for encounter-admission.created event
.... 8.165 Forbidden Error Example
.... 8.166 Diagnostic Pathology Report uploaded in UI
.... 8.167 Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs panel
.... 8.168 MediRecords General Patient
.... 8.169 Generic Condition Consultation Example
.... 8.170 MediRecords RelatedPerson Example
.... 8.171 Vital Sign Body Weight Example
.... 8.172 Webhook Bundle for condition.created event
.... 8.173 Diagnostic Imaging Report via Inbox with PDF attachment
.... 8.174 Webhook Bundle for episode-of-care.created event
.... 8.175 MR Admissions Planned Encounter Pre-admitted Example
.... 8.176 Bundle including OperationOutcome to indicate no search result returned
.... 8.177 Organization AU Service Provider Example
.... 8.178 Waist Measurement Example
.... 8.179 Generic Observation Hip Measurement Example
.... 8.180 MR Admissions Planned Encounter Cancelled Example
.... 8.181 The request has been accepted for processing example
.... 8.182 Vital Sign Oxygen Saturation Example
.... 8.183 MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Admitted Example
.... 8.184 Example of overseas provider location
.... 8.185 MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Discharge Example
.... 8.186 Bad Request Error Example
.... 8.187 Unprocessable Entity Error Example
.... 8.188 Bundle including matching Organization resources to indicate search result returned
.... 8.189 MediRecords Other Allergy Example
.... 8.190 Example Document Reference Out with no attachment
.... 8.191 General Practice Organization Example
.... 8.192 Diagnostic Pathology Report uploaded in UI
.... 8.193 MediRecords Non-Drug Allergy Example
.... 8.194 Example Document Reference Consult Attachment
.... 8.195 Example of a HealthcareService
.... 8.196 Example of a usual doctor
.... 8.197 Example Practitioner with prescriber number
.... 8.198 Example of a provider location
.... 8.199 Example of a usual doctor
.... 8.200 Conflict Error Example
.... 8.201 Example Document Reference In with PDF attachment
.... 8.202 Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-report.created event
.... 8.203 Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-request.created event
.... 8.204 Example Document Reference Prescription with PDF attachment
.... 8.205 Observation Panel General Examination Example
.... 8.206 Precondition Failed Error Example
.... 8.207 Webhook Bundle for patient.deleted event
.... 8.208 Secondary GP Practice Example
.... 8.209 Bundle including matching Patient resources to indicate search result returned
.... 8.210 Webhook Bundle for immunization.created event
.... 8.211 Unauthorized Error Example
.... 8.212 MR Admissions Planned Encounter Discharged Example
.... 8.213 Method Not Allowed Error Example
.... 8.214 Webhook Bundle for patient.created event
.... 8.215 Webhook Bundle for allergy-intolerance.created event
.... 8.216 Example of Admission Room Location within a Ward
.... 8.217 Medirecords FamilyMemberHistory Example
.... 8.218 Observation Panel Vital Sign Example
.... 8.219 Diarrhoea Diagnosis Example
.... 8.220 Wrist Pain Condition as Text Example
.... 8.221 Abrasion, hip Problem resolved Example
.... 8.222 High Temperature Condition Example
.... 8.223 lost apetite Condition Example
.... 8.224 MediRecords Prescription Example with medication dosage instruction
.... 8.225 MediRecords stopped Prescription Example
.... 8.226 Lost apetite Condition Consultation Example
.... 8.227 Example of Admission Room Location within an Organization
.... 8.228 Medication Example with brand, strength and pack size
.... 8.229 Ambulatory Encounter Example
.... 8.230 Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - general examination panel
.... 8.231 Webhook Bundle for observation.deleted event from clinical template
.... 8.232 Overseas Organisation Service Provider Example
.... 8.233 Primary GP Practice Example
.... 8.234 MR Allergy Intolerance No Known Allergy
.... 8.235 Specific Mental Health Screening Consultation
.... 8.236 External Health Professional Contact
.... 8.237 Example Document Reference In with no attachment
.... 8.238 MediRecords Diagnostic Request Fulfillment Task
.... 8.239 MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Cancelled Example
.... 8.240 Webhook Bundle for encounter.created event
.... 8.241 Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-report.deleted event
.... 8.242 Vital Sign Body Mass Index Example
.... 8.243 Vital Sign Lying Blood Pressure Example
.... 8.244 Vital Sign Sitting Blood Pressure Example
.... 8.245 Vital Sign Standing Blood Pressure Example
.... 8.246 Webhook Bundle for familymemberhistory.created event
.... 8.247 Internal Server Error Example
.... 8.248 Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs - no clinical template
.... 8.249 Not Found Error Example
.... 8.250 Diagnostic Request Pathology
.... 8.251 Vital Sign Body Height Example
.... 8.252 Example of Admission Bed within a Room Location
.... 8.253 Webhook Bundle for medicationrequest.created event
.... 8.254 Immunisation Administered Example
.... 8.255 Vital Sign Respiratory Rate Example
.... 8.256 EpisodeOfCare example with contained CareTeam
.... 8.257 Organization Service Provider Example
.... 8.258 Webhook Bundle for observation.deleted event from admission clinical charts (ADDS, Neurovascular, Fluid Dynamics)
.... 8.259 Diagnostic Imaging Report with manually uploaded image
.... 8.260 MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Discharge Example
.... 8.261 Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference Out
.... 8.262 MediRecords Patient with contacts
.... 8.263 Deleted resource read error example
.... 8.264 Webhook Bundle for document-reference-attachment.create event for DocumentReference Consultation Attachment
.... 8.265 Unprocessable Patient resource Error Example
.... 8.266 MediRecords Drug Class Allergy Example
.... 8.267 MediRecords Ingredient Allergy Example
.... 8.268 MediRecords Allergy on Specific Product Example
.... 8.269 MediRecords ATSI Patient
.... 8.270 Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs
.... 8.271 Example of Admission Bed within a Ward Location
.... 8.272 Example Document Reference Consultation with PDF attachment
.... 8.273 Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference In
.... 8.274 Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference Out
.... 8.275 Vital Sign Heart Rate Example
.... 8.276 Vital Sign Heart Rate Example with component Heart Rate Rhythm
.... 8.277 Vital Sign Body Temperature Example
.... 8.278 Falls Risk Assessment Questionnaire
..... 8.278.1 ValueSet
..... 8.278.2 ValueSet
..... 8.278.3 ValueSet
.... 8.279 Example Condition - 9bf648c6-20b9-11ec-9621-0242ac130006
.... 8.280 Example Observation - 1e5cae20-85bf-11s8-b401-ffccd711ad9g
.... 8.281 Example Observation - 2c870f5b-b88b-4d85-9ef7-5e70990b7ce4
.... 8.282 Example PractitionerRole - 6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e9-a20e-7b5deed40056