MediRecords FHIR Implementation Guide
1.4.1 - release

Example Bundle: Webhook Bundle for medicationrequest.created event

Generated Narrative: Bundle cf42da8e-edf5-49c4-bb1e-313b023bb616

Last updated: 2022-03-04 01:43:30+0000

Bundle cf42da8e-edf5-49c4-bb1e-313b023bb616 of type collection

Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9c

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient 1e5cae20-85bf-11e8-b401-ffccd711ad9c

Last updated: 2021-10-11 01:43:30+0000

Profile: MR Patient

Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))

Contact Detail
  • ph: 0410999999(Mobile)
  • abc lane Sydney NSW 2000 AU (home)
  • 12 MLK BLVD Tampa FL 33131 US (work)
English As Second Language Indicator Extensionfalse

Entry 2 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e6-a20e-7b5deed40054

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner 6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e6-a20e-7b5deed40054

identifier: HPI-I/8003610833334085

active: true

name: John Smith

telecom: ph: 0410999888(Mobile),, ph: 0212450987(Work)

gender: Male

birthDate: 1978-04-08


code: Doctor of Medicine


code: MB chB(Hons)

Entry 3 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:ade47c8c-9eed-11ea-a6fa-3f7e286deed9

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization ade47c8c-9eed-11ea-a6fa-3f7e286deed9

identifier: HPI-O/8003627500000328

active: true

type: Healthcare Provider

name: Healthy Live Clinic


telecom: ph: 1234567890(Work),

address: Johnson Street Sydney NSW 1200

Entry 4 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:a01f4a6d-e102-4b1b-b08d-bfd4e1fe585d

Resource Encounter:

Generated Narrative: Encounter a01f4a6d-e102-4b1b-b08d-bfd4e1fe585d

Last updated: 2021-10-25 01:43:30+0000

Profile: MR Encounter

status: completed

class: ambulatory

subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))

serviceProvider: Organization Healthy Live Clinic


*primary performer

Entry 5 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:404b8a60-eb5d-425e-9f85-1e65e37e7e46

Resource MedicationRequest:

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest 404b8a60-eb5d-425e-9f85-1e65e37e7e46

Last updated: 2021-12-17 01:43:30+0000

Profile: MR MedicationRequest

Prescription Approval Status Extension: Prescription Approval Status CodeSystem pending: Approval Required

Prescription Type Extension: Prescription Type CodeSystem 1: Manual

status: Active

intent: Order

subject: Mila Female, DoB: 1990-11-29 ( Medicare Number: 32788511952 (, period: (?) --> 2025-02))

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2021-10-25 01:43:30+0000 --> 2021-10-25 02:21:30+0000; reasonCode =

authoredOn: 2021-12-17 01:43:30+0000

requester: Practitioner John Smith


*1 Before Bed After meals As directedAfter meals, ?ngen-6?





Generated Narrative: Medication #1

Medication Strength: 250 mg

Medication Generic Drug Name: Clarithromycin

Medication Brand Name: Klacid

MediRecords Medication Pack Size: 100

code: Klacid 250 mg Tablet, 100