MediRecords FHIR Implementation Guide
1.4.0 - release

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

MediRecords FHIR Capability API Statement

MediRecords FHIR API Capability Statement

Structures: Abstract Profiles

These are profiles on resources or data types that describe patterns used by other profiles, but cannot be instantiated directly. I.e. instances can conform to profiles based on these abstract profiles, but do not declare conformance to the abstract profiles themselves.

MR DocumentReference

MediRecords DocumentReference base profile for Correspondence

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AU Core Pregnancy Status

This profile sets minimum expectations for an Observation resource to record, search, and fetch observations that represent a patient’s pregnancy status with standard coding. It is based on the core FHIR Observation resource and identifies the additional mandatory core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets that SHALL be present in the Observation resource when conforming to this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific uses cases in an Australian context.

AU Core Waist Circumference

This profile sets minimum expectations for an Observation resource to record, search, and fetch waist circumference observations with standard coding and units of measure. It is based on the FHIR Vital Signs Profile and identifies the additional mandatory core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets that SHALL be present in the Observation resource when conforming to this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific uses cases in an Australian context.

MR AllergyIntolerance

MediRecords AllergyIntolerance profile to represent clinical statements about adverse reactions

MR CareTeam

CareTeam profile to represent the MediRecords Case Care Team

MR Condition

MediRecords Condition profile to record identified health condition which may impact the physical, mental and/or social well being of the patient in context

MR Coverage

MediRecords Coverage profile for a patient

MR DiagnosticReport Imaging

MediRecords Diagnostic Imaging Report profile to record imaging report for a patient

MR DiagnosticReport Pathology

MediRecords Diagnostic Pathology Report profile to record pathology report for a patient

MR DiagnosticReport Pathology Result

MediRecords Diagnostic Pathology Result profile to record pathology result for a patient

MR DiagnosticReport

MediRecords Diagnostic Report profile to record diagnostic report for a patient

MR DiagnosticRequest

MediRecords Diagnostic Request profile to record diagnostic request for a patient

MR Task DiagnosticRequest Fulfillment

MediRecords Fulfillment Task profile for a Diagnostic Request

MR DocumentReference Consultation

MediRecords DocumentReference for Consultation

MR DocumentReference In

MediRecords DocumentReference profile for Inbound Correspondence

MR DocumentReference Out

MediRecords DocumentReference profile for Outbound Correspondence

MR DocumentReference Prescription

MediRecords DocumentReference profile for medication prescription document

MR DocumentReference Attachment

MediRecords DocumentReference profile for Attachment

MR Encounter

MediRecords core Encounter profile to record visit related details for a patient in context. This includes details on venue, encounter start and finish time, reason for encounter, type and participating practitioner.

MR Encounter Admission

MediRecords Admission Encounter profile to record visit related details for a patient in context of an hospital admission.

MR EpisodeOfCare

Episode of Care profile to represent the MediRecords Case record

MR FamilyMemberHistory

MediRecords core FamilyMemberHistory profile to record active, inactive or terminal condition of a family member for the patient in context. This includes details on condition, relationship with the patient, status of the condition etc.

MR HealthcareService

MediRecords core HealthcareService profile

MR Immunisation

MediRecords Immunisation profile to record vaccination that had been administered to the patient in context

MR Location

MediRecords core Location profile to record a location in Australian context. Majority of the cases contained resource reference has been used in MediRecords to represent location instances

MR Location Admission

MediRecords Location profile to record a location in the context of Admission. It may refer to a Ward, Room or Bed

MR Medication

MediRecords Medication profile to record details about a single Medication, Ingredient, or Substance

MR MedicationRequest

MediRecords MedicationRequest profile to record details about a prescription

MR Observation Generic Clinical

Medirecords Clinical Observation to record general clinical observations of a patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Body Mass Index

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the body mass index of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Blood Pressure

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the blood pressure of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Body Height

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the height of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Body Length

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the length of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Body Temperature

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the temperature of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Body Weight

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the weight of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Head Circumference

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the head circumference of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Heart Rate

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the heart rate of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Oxygen Saturation

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record oxygen saturation of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Sign Respiratory Rate

MediRecords Vital Sign profile to record the respiratory rate of the patient in context

MR Observation Vital Signs

MediRecords Base Vital Sign profile for Vital Signs with components

MR Observation Vital Sign Waist Circumference

MediRecords Observation profile to record the waist circumference of the patient in context

MR OperationOutcome

MediRecords core OperationOutcome profile

MR Organisation

MediRecords core Organisation profile to record a provider organisation in australian context

MR Organisation Service Provider

MediRecords Organisation profile to represent an external Service Provider

MR Patient

MediRecords core Patient profile representing identity, demographic and contacts details of an individual within the context of health care or other health-related services supported within MediRecords

MR Practitioner

MediRecords core Practitioner profile represeting a healthcare provider

MR Practitioner Contact

MediRecords Practitioner profile represeting external health professional contact

MR PractitionerRole

MediRecords core PractitionerRole profile

MR PractitionerRole Contact

MediRecords PractitionerRole profile representing external health professional contact

MR Procedure

MediRecords Procedure profile to record details of procedure performed for the patient in context.

MR Questionnaire

MediRecords Questionnaire (For internal use only)

MR QuestionnaireResponse

MediRecords QuestionnaireResponse (For internal use only)

MR RelatedPerson

MediRecords RelatedPerson profile to represent Patient’s relationship with other individual

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

MR Address

MediRecords Address DataType profile

MR Address AU

MediRecords Australian Address DataType profile

MR Dosage

MediRecords Medication Dosage profile to record details about the dosage prescribed

MR Address Foreign

MediRecords Foreign Address DataType profile

MR Meta DataType

MediRecords Meta DataType profile

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ATSI Skin Extension

Extension to record the skin for patient with atsi status.

Address Is Primary Extension

Extension to capture if the address is the primary address

CTG Co Payment Relief Extension

MediRecords Patient’s CTG Co Payment Relief Extension

MR Comment Note Extension

MediRecords Comment or note extension

MR DiagnosticReport Checked extension

MediRecords Investigation Result checked date/time and practitioner

MR DiagnosticReport Recipient Interpretation extension

MediRecords Investigation Result Recipient Interpretation

MR DocumentReference Recipient Extension

MediRecords extension for DocumentReference Recipient

MR DocumentReference Title Extension

MediRecords extension for DocumentReference Title

English As Second Language Indicator Extension

Extension to record if the patient in context uses English as the second language

MR Episode Priority Extension

MediRecords Episode Priority Extension

MR Episode Number Sessions Extension

MediRecords EpisodeOfCare Number of session extension

MR Episode Topic Extension

MediRecords Episode Topic Extension

Condition Active status as mentioned for a Family Member Extension

Extension to record if the Condition is still active as mentioned for a Family Member

Language Spoken At Home Extension

Extension to record the language Patient uses at home

Extemporaneous compounded medicines indicator extension

Extension to record extemporaneous compounded medicines

MediRecords Medication Pack Size

MediRecords extension for Medication Pack Size

MediRecords Occupation Extension

Extension to record occupation of the Patient or RelatedPerson in context

MR Patient Note Extension

MediRecords Patient Note Extension

Prescription Approval Status Extension

MediRecords Extension for Prescription Approval Status

Prescription Authority Details Extension

Extension to record authority details associated with a prescription

Prescription Last Date Extension

Extension to record last date of prescription

Prescription Type Extension

MediRecords Extension for Prescription type

Prescription Unusal Dose Extension

Extension to record if the prescription contains unusual dose

Prescription CTG/PBS Copayment Extension

Extension to record if the Prescription falls under CTG or PBS co payment

MR Referenced Document Extension

MediRecords Referenced Document Extension

MediRecords Service Request Fasting

MediRecords extension for Fasting Precondition

Vaccine Serial Number Extension

Extension to record the vaccine serial number used in an administration

RelatedPerson to contact Extension

MediRecords Patient’s RelatedPerson to contact Extension

Encounter plannedEndDate

Encounter planned end date R5 element extension

Encounter plannedStartDate

Encounter planned start date R5 element extension

DiagnosticReport note

Comments about the diagnostic report.

Result Copies To

This extension applies to the ServiceRequest resource and is used to indicate an additional recipient to whom a copy of the outcome of the request (i.e. the results) should be sent.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

MediRecords Coverage Type ValueSet

MediRecords Coverage Type ValueSet

MediRecords Designation ValueSet

MediRecords Designation ValueSet

MediRecords DiagnosticReport Recipient Interpretation ValueSet

MediRecords Investigation Result Recipient Interpretation ValueSet

MediRecords Diagnostic Report Status

MediRecords Diagnostic Report Status ValueSet

MediRecords Diagnostic Request BodySite ValueSet

MediRecords Diagnostic Request BodySite ValueSet

MediRecords Diagnostic Request Categories

MediRecords Diagnostic Request Categories ValueSet

MediRecords Document Reference Attachment Content Type

MediRecords Document Reference Attachment Content Type ValueSet

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Attachment Type

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Attachment Type ValueSet

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Category

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Category ValueSet

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Type

MediRecords Document Reference Letter Type ValueSet

MediRecords Admission Encounter Class

MediRecords Admission Encounter Class ValueSet

MediRecords Admission Encounter Location PhysicalType

MediRecords Admission Encounter Location PhysicalType ValueSet

MediRecords Admission Encounter Status

MediRecords Admission Encounter Status ValueSet

MediRecords Encounter Class ValueSet

MediRecords Encounter Class ValueSet

MR Episode Type ValueSet
MediRecords Family Member Relationship Type ValueSet

MediRecords Family Member Relationship Type ValueSet

MediRecords Healthcare Organisation Role Type

MediRecords Healthcare Organisation Role Type ValueSet

MediRecords Heart Rate Rhythm ValueSet

MediRecords Heart Rate Rhythm ValueSet

MediRecords Industrial Classification ValueSet

MediRecords Industrial Classification ValueSet

MediRecords Job Code ValueSet

MediRecords Job Code ValueSet

MediRecords Language Code ValueSet

MediRecords Language Code ValueSet

MediRecords Location Bed Status ValueSet

MediRecords Bed Status ValueSet for Location operationalStatus

MediRecords Location Ward Specialty ValueSet

MediRecords Ward Specialty ValueSet for Location type

MediRecords Occupations Classification ValueSet

MediRecords Occupations Classification ValueSet

MediRecords Patient Contact Type ValueSet
MediRecords Patient Ethnicity ValueSet

MediRecords Patient Ethnicity ValueSet

MediRecords Patient Importance ValueSet

MediRecords Patient Importance ValueSet

Prescription Approval Status ValueSet

MediRecords Prescription Approval Status ValueSet

Prescription Type ValueSet

MediRecords Prescription Type ValueSet

MediRecords QuestionnaireResponse Status ValueSet

MediRecords QuestionnaireResponse Status ValueSet

MediRecords Questionnaire Status ValueSet

MediRecords Questionnaire Status ValueSet

MediRecords ATSI Skin Code ValueSet

MediRecords ATSI Skin Code ValueSet

MediRecords Service Provider Type ValueSet

MediRecords Service Provider Type ValueSet

Medirecords Temperature Body Site Valueset
MediRecords Patient's Name Title Code ValueSet

MediRecords Patient’s Name Title Code ValueSet

MediRecords Transfer Mode

MediRecords Transfer Mode ValueSet for Admission

MediRecords Triage Priority
MediRecords Location Physical Type ValueSet

MediRecords Location Physical Type ValueSet for Location physicalType

Pregnancy Status

The Pregnancy Status value set includes values that may be used to represent the pregnancy status of a patient. The values included align with the IPS and US Core.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

MediRecords ATSI Language CodeSystem

MediRecords ATSI Language CodeSystem

MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem

MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem

MediRecords Bed Status CodeSystem

MediRecords Bed Status CodeSystem for Admission Location

MediRecords Recipient Interpretation CodeSystem

MediRecords Investigation Result Recipient Interpretation CodeSystem

MediRecords DocumentReference Category CodeSystem

MediRecords CodeSystem to identify different categories of DocumentReference instances

MediRecords Encounter Class CodeSystem

MediRecords Encounter TypClasse CodeSystem

MR Episode Type CodeSystem
MR Identifier Type CodeSystem
MediRecords Job Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Job Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient Ethnicity CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient Ethnicity CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient Importance CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient Importance CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient's Name Title CodeSystem

MediRecords Patient’s Name Title CodeSystem

Prescription Approval Status CodeSystem

MediRecords Prescription Approval Status CodeSystem

Prescription Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Prescription Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Service Provider Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Service Provider Type CodeSystem

MediRecords Transfer Mode

MediRecords Transfer Mode CodeSystem for Admission

MediRecords Ward Specialty CodeSystem

MediRecords Ward Specialty CodeSystem for Admission Location

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

AllergyIntolerance Category FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap

Mapping of all FHIR AllergyIntolerance cateogry codes to MediRecords Allergy category codes

Country Code FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap

Mapping of all FHIR Country codes to MediRecords Country codes

Patient Gender FHIR To MediRecords ConceptMap

Mapping of all FHIR Gender codes to MediRecords Gender codes

Patient Indigenous Status Australian Codes To MediRecords ConceptMap

Mapping of all Australian Indigenous Status codes to MediRecords Indigenous Status codes

Practitioner Specialty AU To MediRecords ConceptMap

Mapping of all Australian specialty codes to MediRecords specialty codes

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Cancelled Example

Example of a MediRecords Consultation where an urgent admission of a Patient was cancelled

Uploaded Diagnostic Pathology Report linked to request

Example Uploaded Diagnostic Pathology Report linked to request

MR Admissions Planned Encounter Admitted Example

Example of a MediRecords Admissions Planned Encounter for a Patient who has been admitted

Overseas Health Service Organization Example

MediRecords Overseas Health Service Organization example

Example of Admission Ward Location

MediRecords Location to represent a Ward Location

Vital Sign Body Length Example

Vital Sign Length Example Example

Diagnostic Imaging Report via Inbox, HTML display format not included

Example MediRecords Diagnostic Imaging Report imported via inbox, HTML display format not included

Diagnostic Request Imaging

Example of a MediRecords Diagnostic Request for Imaging with pregnancy status

MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Admitted Example

Example of a MediRecords Consultation where a clinician is treating a Patient with some condition

Example Document Reference Out with PDF attachment

Example Document Reference Out with PDF attachment

Vital Sign Head Circumference Example

Vital Sign Head Circumference Example

Webhook Bundle for encounter-admission.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Admission Encounter has been created

Forbidden Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent forbidden error example

Diagnostic Pathology Report uploaded in UI

Example MediRecords Diagnostic Pathology Report imported via Inbox with HTML attachment

Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs panel

Example of a Webhook Bundle for observation.created event when Vital Signs Clinical Template is created

MediRecords General Patient

Example of a MediRecords Patient with populating applicable extensions

Generic Condition Consultation Example

Example of a MediRecords Consulation where a clinician is treating a Patient with some condition

MediRecords RelatedPerson Example

Example of a MediRecords RelatedPerson who is the spouse and the emergency contact of the Patient

Vital Sign Body Weight Example

Vital Sign Body Weight Example

Webhook Bundle for condition.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating a Condition has been created

Diagnostic Imaging Report via Inbox with PDF attachment

Example MediRecords Diagnostic Imaging Report imported via inbox with PDF attachment

Webhook Bundle for episode-of-care.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle for episode-of-care.created event indicating an EpisodeOfCare has been created or updated

MR Admissions Planned Encounter Pre-admitted Example

Example of a MediRecords Admissions Planned Encounter prior to a Patient being admitted

Bundle including OperationOutcome to indicate no search result returned

Bundle including OperationOutcome to indicate no search result returned

Organization AU Service Provider Example

MediRecords AU Organization Service Provider Example

Waist Measurement Example

Waist Measurement Example

Generic Observation Hip Measurement Example

Generic Observation Hip Measurement Example

MR Admissions Planned Encounter Cancelled Example

Example of a MediRecords Admissions Planned Encounter Cancellation for a Patient

The request has been accepted for processing example

OperationOutcome to represent the resource porcessing has begun

Vital Sign Oxygen Saturation Example

Vital Sign Oxygen Saturation Example

MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Admitted Example

Example of a MediRecords Admissions Emergency Encounter for a Patient who has showed up at ED

Example of overseas provider location

MediRecords Location to represent a overseas provider location

MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Discharge Example

Example of a MediRecords Consultation where a clinician is treating a Patient with some condition

Bad Request Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent bad request error example

Unprocessable Entity Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent unprocessable entity error example

Bundle including matching Organization resources to indicate search result returned

Bundle including matching Organization resources to indicate search result returned

MediRecords Other Allergy Example

Example of a MediRecords Specific Product AllergyIntolerance. Populating only the code

Example Document Reference Out with no attachment

Example Document Reference Out with no attachment

General Practice Organization Example

MediRecords General Practice Organization example

Diagnostic Pathology Report uploaded in UI

Example MediRecords Diagnostic Pathology Report uploaded in UI

MediRecords Non-Drug Allergy Example

Example of a MediRecords Specific Product AllergyIntolerance. Populating only the code

Example Document Reference Consult Attachment

Example Document Reference Consult Attachment

Example of a HealthcareService

MediRecords MRHealthcareService to represent a health setup

Example of a usual doctor

MediRecords PractitionerRole to represent a usual doctor

Example Practitioner with prescriber number

MediRecords Practitioner with prescriber number

Example of a provider location

MediRecords Location to represent a provider location

Example of a usual doctor

MediRecords Practitioner to represent a usual doctor

Conflict Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent conflict error example

Example Document Reference In with PDF attachment

MediRecords DocumentReference to represent a Letter In with PDF attachment

Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-report.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-report.created event indicating a DiagnosticReport has been created or updated

Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-request.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-request.created event indicating a DiagnosticRequest has been created or updated

Example Document Reference Prescription with PDF attachment

Example Document Reference Prescription with PDF attachment

Observation Panel General Examination Example

Observation Panel General Examination Example

Precondition Failed Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent precondition failed error example

Webhook Bundle for patient.deleted event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Patient has been deleted

Secondary GP Practice Example

MediRecords Organization to represent a secondary practice

Bundle including matching Patient resources to indicate search result returned

Bundle including matching Patient resources to indicate search result returned

Webhook Bundle for immunization.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Immunisation has been created

Unauthorized Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent unauthorized error example

MR Admissions Planned Encounter Discharged Example

Example of a MediRecords Admissions Planned Encounter for a Patient who has been discharged

Method Not Allowed Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent method not allowed error example

Webhook Bundle for patient.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Patient has been created

Webhook Bundle for allergy-intolerance.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Allergy Intolerance has been created

Example of Admission Room Location within a Ward

MediRecords Location to represent a Room Location within a Ward

Medirecords FamilyMemberHistory Example

Example of a MediRecords FamilyMemberHistory who is has an active Condition

Observation Panel Vital Sign Example

Observation Panel Vital Sign Example

Diarrhoea Diagnosis Example

Example of a MediRecords Patient diagnosd with having Diarrhoea condition

Wrist Pain Condition as Text Example

Example of a MediRecords Patient having Wrist Pain condition

Abrasion, hip Problem resolved Example

Example of a MediRecords Patient having Abrasion, hip problem resolved

High Temperature Condition Example

Example of a MediRecords Patient having high temperature as the condition

lost apetite Condition Example

Example of a MediRecords Patient who has lost apetite

MediRecords Prescription Example with medication dosage instruction

Example of a MediRecords Prescription authored by a Clinician for the Patient in context

MediRecords stopped Prescription Example

Example of a stopped MediRecords Prescription

Lost apetite Condition Consultation Example

Example of a MediRecords Consulation where a clinician is treating a Patient who has lost apetite

Example of Admission Room Location within an Organization

MediRecords Location to represent a Room Location within an Organization

Medication Example with brand, strength and pack size

Example of a MediRecords Medication

Ambulatory Encounter Example

Example of a MediRecords consulation in a clinic

Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - general examination panel

Example of a Webhook Bundle for observation.created event when General Examination Clinical Template is created

Webhook Bundle for observation.deleted event from clinical template

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating a Observation has been deleted from a clinical template

Overseas Organisation Service Provider Example

MediRecords Overseas Organization Service Provider Example

Primary GP Practice Example

MediRecords Organization to represent a primary practice

MR Allergy Intolerance No Known Allergy

Example of a MediRecords AllergyIntolerance with No Known Allergy

Specific Mental Health Screening Consultation

Example of a MediRecords Consulation where a clinician is performing a Mental Health Screening

External Health Professional Contact

MediRecords PractitionerRole to represent an External Health Professional Contact

Example Document Reference In with no attachment

Example Document Reference In with no attachment

MediRecords Diagnostic Request Fulfillment Task

Example of a MediRecords Diagnostic Request Fulfillment Task for Pathology

MR Admissions Emergency Encounter Cancelled Example

Example of a MediRecords Consultation where a clinician is treating a Patient with some condition

Webhook Bundle for encounter.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating an Encounter has been created

Webhook Bundle for diagnostic-report.deleted event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating a Diagnostic Report has been deleted

Vital Sign Body Mass Index Example

Vital Sign Body Mass Index Example

Vital Sign Lying Blood Pressure Example

Vital Sign Lying Blood Pressure Example

Vital Sign Sitting Blood Pressure Example

Vital Sign Sitting Blood Pressure Example

Vital Sign Standing Blood Pressure Example

Vital Sign Standing Blood Pressure Example

Webhook Bundle for familymemberhistory.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating a Family Member History has been created

Internal Server Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent internal server error example

Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs - no clinical template

Example of a Webhook Bundle for observation.created event without CLinical Template Observation when Vital Signs Clinical Template is created

Not Found Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent no matching resource found example

Diagnostic Request Pathology

Example of a MediRecords Diagnostic Request for Pathology with pregnancy status

Vital Sign Body Height Example

Vital Sign Body Height Example

Example of Admission Bed within a Room Location

MediRecords Location to represent a Bed within a Room Location

Webhook Bundle for medicationrequest.created event

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating a Medication Request has been created

Immunisation Administered Example

Example of a MediRecords Immunisation Administration

Vital Sign Respiratory Rate Example

Vital Sign Respiratory Rate Example

EpisodeOfCare example with contained CareTeam

Example of a MediRecords Case represented as EpisodeOfCare

Organization Service Provider Example

MediRecords Organization Service Provider Example

Webhook Bundle for observation.deleted event from admission clinical charts (ADDS, Neurovascular, Fluid Dynamics)

Example of a Webhook Bundle notification indicating that all the Observations relating to a clinical chart have been deleted

Diagnostic Imaging Report with manually uploaded image

Example of a MediRecords Diagnostic Imaging Report with manually uploaded image

MR Admissions Urgent Encounter Discharge Example

Example of a MediRecords Urgent Encounter where a Patient with some condition has been discharged

Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference Out

Example of a Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created or document-reference.updated event indicating a DocumentReference Out has been created or updated

MediRecords Patient with contacts

Example of a MediRecords Patient with contacts etc

Deleted resource read error example

OperationOutcome to represent error while reading a deleted Patient resource

Webhook Bundle for document-reference-attachment.create event for DocumentReference Consultation Attachment

Example of a Webhook Bundle for document-reference-attachment.create event indicating a DocumentReference Consultation Attachment has been created or updated

Unprocessable Patient resource Error Example

OperationOutcome to represent unprocessable Patient error error example

MediRecords Drug Class Allergy Example

Example of a MediRecords Drug Class AllergyIntolerance

MediRecords Ingredient Allergy Example

Example of a MediRecords Ingredient AllergyIntolerance

MediRecords Allergy on Specific Product Example

Example of a MediRecords Specific Product AllergyIntolerance. Populating only the code

MediRecords ATSI Patient

Example of a MediRecords ATSI Patient with populating applicable extensions

Webhook Bundle for observation.created event - vital signs

Example of a Webhook Bundle for observation.created event when Vital Signs Clinical Template is created

Example of Admission Bed within a Ward Location

MediRecords Location to represent a Bed within a Ward Location

Example Document Reference Consultation with PDF attachment

Example Document Reference Consultation with PDF attachment

Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference In

Example of a Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created or document-reference.updated event indicating a DocumentReference In has been created or updated

Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created event for DocumentReference Out

Example of a Webhook Bundle for document-reference.created or document-reference.updated event indicating a DocumentReference Out has been created or updated

Vital Sign Heart Rate Example

Vital Sign Heart Rate Example

Vital Sign Heart Rate Example with component Heart Rate Rhythm

Vital Sign Heart Rate Example

Vital Sign Body Temperature Example

Vital Sign Body Temperature Example

Falls Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Falls Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Example Condition - 9bf648c6-20b9-11ec-9621-0242ac130006
Example Observation - 1e5cae20-85bf-11s8-b401-ffccd711ad9g
Example Observation - 2c870f5b-b88b-4d85-9ef7-5e70990b7ce4
Example PractitionerRole - 6d6d7ce8-65c2-11e9-a20e-7b5deed40056