MediRecords FHIR Implementation Guide
1.4.0 - release

CodeSystem: MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem


Defining URL:
Title:MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem
Status:Active as of 2024-06-28 01:25:00+0000

MediRecords ATSI Skin CodeSystem

Content:Complete: All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

1 Yirritja
2 Dhuwa
3 Karimarra
4 Panaka
5 Pal.yarri
6 Purungu
7 Peltharre
8 Kapetye
9 Petyarr
10 Apetyarr
11 Pengarte
12 Pengart
13 Kemarre
14 Kemarr
15 Akemarr
16 Ampetyane
17 Ampetyan
18 Milangka
19 Karimarra
20 Penangke
21 Penangke
23 Penangk
24 Kngwarraye
25 Kngwarray
26 Tjarurru
27 Perrurle
30 Angale
31 Thangale
32 Ngal