MediRecords FHIR Implementation Guide
1.4.0 - release


The MediRecords FHIR API supports the following Immunization operations.

GET {API_URL}/v1/Immunization

This API interface enables the client to search Immunization instances from MediRecords repository. This is in compliance with the Medirecords Immunisation profile.

Query Parameters    
_count number Instruct the server regarding how many resources should be returned in a single page
date date Date the immunization occurred in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
lot-number string Represents the vaccine batch number.
patient reference Patient(id) for whom the immunization record is created
performer reference Represents the provider who has ordered or administered the vaccine
status token It denotes the vaccination status. The acceptable values are completed, entered-in-error and not-done. Note: this parameter IS case sensitive, enter all values as lowercase.
vaccine-code token A valid SNOMED CT code that indicates a vaccine code.


The server returns matching Immunization instances in a Bundle that the logged-in user has access to. If no search criteria is provided, then all Immunization instances that the logged-in user has access to will be returned.

By default, only active Immunization records will be provided in the search result.

In an error situation, server SHALL return OperationOutcome detailing the error with the appropriate HTTP Error code as follows.

Status Text
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error


GET {API_URL}/v1/Immunization/{id}

This API interface enables the client to read an Immunization resource from MediRecords repository which is compliant with the Medirecords Immunisation profile.

Request Parameters  
id The logical id of the Immunization resource


In an error situation, server SHALL return OperationOutcome detailing the error with the appropriate HTTP Error code as follows.

Status Text
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error


The following table provides the FHIR Webhook event types generated for the Immunization resource.

Hub Event Application Trigger Event  
immunization.created Occurs whenever a new immunization record is created Example
immunization.updated Occurs whenever a immunization record is updated  
  Immunization (1)
  Encounter (0..1) 
  Patient (1) 
  PractitionerRole (0..1) 
  Practitioner (0..4) 
  Organization (0..2) 
immunization.deleted Occurs whenever a immunization record is deleted
  request (1) 
    url: DELETE Immunization/{id}